Writing Workbooks
Stealing Hollywood
This fully revised and expanded workbook has all of the basic material of the first two workbooks and double the content, plus ten full story structure breakdowns. The print workbook comes in 8 x 10 textbook format and lies open beautifully for highlighting and scribbling in the margins.
Are you finally committed to writing that novel but have no idea how to get started? Or are you a published author—but know you need some plotting help to move your books and career up to that next level?
Screenwriting is a compressed and dynamic storytelling form and the techniques of screenwriting are easily adaptable to novel writing. You can jump-start your plot and bring your characters and scenes vibrantly alive on the page—by watching your favorite movies and learning from the storytelling tricks of great filmmakers.
- the High Concept Premise
- the Three-Act, Eight-Sequence Structure
- the Storyboard Grid
- the Index Card Method of Plotting
As well as tricks of film pacing and suspense, character arc and drive, visual storytelling, and building image systems—to structure and color your novel for maximum emotional impact, unbearable suspense and riveting pacing, no matter what genre you’re writing in.
You’ll create your own personalized workbook of genre tricks based on your favorite books and movies and tailored to your own brand of storytelling, and a collage book to build visual image systems. And the emphasis on premise is invaluable for crafting that all-important query and pitch.
In this rapidly changing world of publishing, more and more agents and editors are looking for novels that have the pacing, emotional excitement, and big, unique, “high concept” premises of Hollywood movies (and the potential for that movie or TV sale!).
Whether you’re just starting to develop a book or script, or rewriting for maximum impact, this workbook will guide you through an easy, effective and fun process to help you make your book or script the best it can be.
Includes detailed film breakdowns and analysis as well as chapters and resources on how to get a literary agent, writing a query letter, professional networking, and screenwriting contests.
Writing Love
Learn how to write your own romance novels or scripts by watching and learning from the romantic movies you love!
From award-winning author and screenwriter Alexandra Sokoloff: the second in her acclaimed Screenwriting Tricks For Authors series, with a special emphasis on writing love stories.
Whether you’re a published author or a brand-new one, this extremely practical and encouraging workbook will take you step by step through the key story elements and techniques of crafting a romance, with examples from romantic comedy, romantic suspense, and romantic adventure, including ten full story breakdowns of popular romantic movies.
Screenwriting is a compressed and dynamic storytelling form that carries enormous emotional power, and the techniques of screenwriting are easily adaptable to novel writing. You can jump-start your plot and bring your characters and scenes vibrantly alive on the page—by watching your favorite movies and learning from the storytelling tricks of the filmmakers YOU love.